

Mission Friends

Boys & Girls Pre-K through Kindergarten

Wednesday Nights at 6:30 PM. Activities include Bible Study, Learning about Missions, Games, singing, crafts and fun projects!



OZH Youth Group

Boys & Girls Grades 7th - 12th

Wednesday Nights at 6:30 PM.

Activities include Bible Study and Worship meetings, Disciple Now Weekend Retreats, Summer Camp, Mission Camp, Games, and many more activities throughout the year!

Youth Ministry exists to help students develop a passion for Jesus and His purposes on earth.

We believe teenagers are world changers! Our youth ministry isn’t just another cool activity to add to a busy schedule. It’s a place for students to build deep friendships, experience God personally, and be equipped for the work of ministry. When junior high and high-school students are devoted to Jesus, they can make a big impact in their homes, schools, and other areas of influence. Each of our events and youth services are geared toward equipping students to live lives devoted to Jesus while developing deep friendships and life-changing, relationships with Jesus Christ.


Royal Ambassadors

Boys Grades 1st - 6th

Wednesday Nights at 6:30 PM. Activities include Bible Study, Sports Activities, Games, Camp Outs, Fishing Trips, Nerf Wars, Children’s Summer Camp, Missions Activities, and much more!


Uniquely Blessed
Special Needs Ministry

“Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in the poor and the maimed and the lame and the blind.”

The Uniquely Blessed Ministry was formed to ensure the gospel is accessible to those in the community impacted by disabilities. We believe according to God’s Word, that ALL people are created in the image of God and are uniquely blessed with gifts to serve Him and His church.
The Uniquely Blessed Ministry assists people with disabilities and their families to be integrated within our church in order for them to grow in their walk with Christ. Our goal is to provide barrier free worship and access to church wide activities for the entire family affected by disability.


Girls in Action

Girls Grades 1st - 6th

Wednesday Nights at 6:30 PM. Activities include Bible Study, Craft Activities, Games, Movie Nights, Tea Parties, Children’s Summer Camp, Missions Activities, and much more!